index - Laboratoire de Physique Quantique Access content directly


The laboratory, managed successively by Ph. Durand, J.P. Malrieu, J.P. Daudey, N. Halberstadt et F. Spiegelman (from 2007), knew a relatively important growth until include approximately 35 permanent employees in 2006. Some important landmarks marked the life of the laboratory. Let us mention the action of the laboratory to make grow in Toulouse a Fundamental structure of Physics and Chemistry. This action has entailed the arrival of several teams, molecular physicists and opticians of lasers who have created the Laboratoire Collisions Agrégats Réactivité (LCAR) in 1990, and also theoretical physicists who have created the LPT Laboratoire de Physique Théorique in 2003.

Its around these laboratories that IRSAMC (The Institute of Research on Complex Atomic and Molecular Systems) has been created.

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Mots clés

Turbulence en déclin Atomic surface Molecular orbitals calculations Growth process Random process Processus aléatoire Aggregation Random walker Ab initio calculation Disordered Systems and Neural Networks Potential energy surfaces Aggregation models Agrégats métalliques TDDFT Dynamique non-linéaire Interaction laser-agrégat Incommensurate system Processus stochastique Transition de phase DFT Ab-initio electronic calculation Billiards quantiques Argon Band structure Boltzmann equation Strongly correlated systems Statistical Mechanics Surface hopping Atomic clusters Fluide bidimensionnel Modèle d'Ising Phénomènes de croissance Phase transition Quasicrystals Marcheur aléatoire Incommensurate compound Agrégats Autocorrelation exponent Ab-initio calculations Aggregation model Brownian motion Stochastic process Séparation de phase Effondrement gravitationnel Calcium VB calculations Potts model Molecular electron correlations Alkali-halide Exposant critique Ab initio calculations Ab initio Phase separation Nucleation Spin chains Persistance Spin system Annihilation et agrégation balistique Pseudopotential methods Decaying turbulence Mouvement brownien Molecular electronic states Smoluchowski equation Bimetallic nanoparticles ultrathin films nanostructures magnetism diffusion ab initio multiscale modeling atomic materials design computer experiments Bidimensional fluid Bipolar diode Cluster Magnétisme Theory Persistence Binary mixture Ab initio molecular dynamics Quasicrystal Fokker-Planck Argent Perturbation theory Gravitational collapse Ab-initio Aboav law Magnetism Spin chain Electronic structure Hamiltonien de Heisenberg Bethe lattice Quasicristaux Actinide chemistry 1/5-depleted Incommensurate compounds Critical exponent Be3 Absorption Actinides Retour à l'équilibre Dynamics Ising model Random tilings Ab-initio calculation 4H-SiC Ballistic annihilation Spin ladders Coarsening T-J model Random processes